Urban Water Circulation

Rooftop Greening System Out Of Management


A new, no-management roof greening system with improved insulation and soundproofing effects by inducing natural death of weeds by creating a simple and ultra-thin planting base on the roof.

Roof greening effect

Rooftop Greening Infrared Temperature Measurement

Non-green Roof surface temperature: 40-50˚ or more

Green Roof surface temperature: 25-30˚ or less

Environmental effect
  • Improvement of urban environment such as air quality improvement
  • Relief of urban heat island phenomenon - Green roof can reduce city temperature by 5℃
  • Reduced noise in the city center
  • Urban flood prevention - 200~300ℓ of rainwater storage per 100m2
Economic effect
  • Saving heating and cooling costs through insulation effect of buildings - 16.6% reduction in heating and cooling energy through roof greening
  • Protects buildings from acid rain and UV rays - Extends the life expectancy of the roof waterproofing layer to more than 40 years

* Data : 和歌山大学ツステム工学部 環慶ツステム工学科 助敎授 山田宏之

Planting sedum types and characteristics<

Sedum takesimense Nakai

Delosperma cooperi


White stonecrop

  • Resistant to strong sunlight and dry environments and cold
  • The survival rate of those grown in the open field is higher than the favorable environment of a greenhouse.
  • Creating an aesthetic planting pattern using various colors and textures of leaves and flowers

Application examples

Buyeo Resort

Jeonju Electrical Safety Corporation

Damyang Bamboo Promotion Center

Geochang Botanical Garden

System cross section

Detailed configuration


  • Low-maintenance dry-resistant ground cover that can be greened in low soil depth
  • Strong evergreen, various colors and textures are possible depending on the type

Zero soil

  • Soil hardening prevention insulation, excellent sound insulation efficiency
  • Excellent air permeability, drainage and water retention by mixing ceramic and coco pit

Functional Ceramic Mulching Stone

  • Prevention of defects in sedum during the rainy season Prevention of scattering
  • Prevention of zero soil loss Prevention of pitting caused by heavy rain Substitution of acid rain

Drain board

  • Reliability, durability and load-bearing capacity of drainage treatment
  • Simple and economical construction After combining the drain plate, install the permeable sheet

Features of unmanaged rooftop greening system

  • After planting, only natural rainwater can grow (no irrigation required)
  • Prevents soil hardening and does not require separate tillage and excavation
  • Zero weed control with a soil system that suppresses weed germination
  • Water purification by metal ions of ceramic material mixed with zero soil
  • No need for harmful factors such as fertilization and control
Burden (worry)ZERO
  • Designed as an ultra-thin and lightweight greening system to minimize the load on the building
  • About 30% cheaper than other methods